Thursday, March 4, 2010

Smocking dresses...

Salam all..
As promised, I will publish some of (maybe all..hehhehe) my partner hv done...the best of her smocking dresses...these were done usually for the Hari Raya seasons only... As she (can we just call her Cik Senah?..ok?) As Cik Senah has 3 girls (and I dont hv any right now..huhhu) ...she is so addicted to gowns n dresses n overall. (me too!).. So, pls enjoy the last seasons projects...

By the way, I'm keeping myself buzzing like a bee with my felt brooches n embelishment... Need to get get some power booster over here......See ya!

This one I help Cik Senah doing the smocking ONLY!...Isn't she lovely?... My 1st time smocked. Not bad huh?..

Nice olive dress... Bravo Cik Senah!

cream pink with tiny flowers...

green gingham with yellow lining...

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