Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Boy Package

Salam again.
Here's  an order from a friend (yup, Mr Ashraf Ashaari..its you) asking for a baby boy gift. Hmm.. What do boys like? Choc? Sweets? Flowers? Or... A Car!... YES!! . A car brooch with a set of gift note packaging was presented to the special new born boy.. Well, if mama scared if the pins might prick your boy, just take it out and sew it directly onto anything..jeans, t-shirt, rompers, hat, bag or even pouch!.. That will do wonders! Hope mom will like it too!

Baby Boy package.
Brooch size: 7.5cm X 4.5cm
(Price may varies depend on special request)

CraftZone Malaysia - Malaysian Crafter Blogs


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