Sunday, April 11, 2010

Halloo!.. I'm back!.

"Allooo!".. My nephew likes to shout the cute "alloo".. They come last weekend and it was fun having them although it was a very short trip at my hse..In the mean time, A friend manage to help us re-format our computer...and I was spending my left over weekend with re-installing programmes that I use..huhhuuh

Added with the slowness of the broadband services... I was too lazy to update my blog.. So I was taking photograph and do some touch-up with 'canvas' things we hv done weeks earlier....

Hairclips, bookmark, animal theme embelishments, pencil case and some packaging to do list. Enjoy my handcraft!
Sold both


Available only - plain button pencil case
Others sold!

only giraffe (1 nos) and elephant (1 nos) available

CraftZone Malaysia - Malaysian Crafter Blogs


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